Asistente ASL – Estados

+1 –> labor task DR
+1 –> To Hit DR
+1 –> IFT DR
+1 –> MOL, PF, SMOKE availability dr
+1 –> ATMM availability dr (EXC: Tank-Hunter Hero)
+1 –> CC attack
-1 –> when attacked in CC
+1 –> Search/Recovery dr
+1 –> Ambush Status dr
-1 –> IPC
No advance into Difficult Terrain, Double Time
Remove if broken
+1 –> CC attack
-1 –> when attacked in CC
No advance, fire, move, labor tasks
No Tank-Hunter Hero creation
Remove if broken
A unit may claim WA at the following times:
During its setup
At the end of any RPh
During its MPh/APh
When losing HIP status
Whenever all enemy units lose/forfeit WA
over shared wall/hedge hexsides
WA may be forfeited at any other time but never between an enemy action being declared and that action being completed.
NA if Cavalry, vehicles, in Water Obstacles, berserk,
Heroic, Aerial, Climbing
FP x ½ [EXC: CC defense]
Fire MG/IFE/Canister as Area Fire
No advance, move
No SW/Gun transfer
No Multiple ROF
No CA change
+2 To Hit DR Case D
CT AFV CE crew goes BU
OT AFV CE crew remains CE, +2 To Hit DR Case D,
MG/IFE/FT/Canister FP x ½
CE Passengers go BU
AFV Riders Bail Out
Leader may not use leadership rating
No SMC Voluntary Rout
No CC Reaction Fire
CCV reduced by 1
No Tank-Hunter Hero creation
Remove if broken, goes berserk, becomes Battle
Hardened, becomes Heroic